AES Talking Points, Resources, Readings, and Reflections --  3 June 2020

Submitted by Ellen Palms on

In connection with our AES Statement of Solidarity, we offer the following materials for study, reflection, and conversation. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. It includes resources shared by colleagues in and outside of AES. 

Talking Points and Analysis about What is Happening:

How to make sense of “good” versus “bad” protestors--devaluation and delegitimization of narratives of protest:

Property value versus human life:

How to make sense of “extremist” groups, including the difference between Antifa and white supremacists:

How to be a better ally:


Ways to Get Involved and Contribute: 

  • “26 Ways to Be in the Struggle Beyond the Streets”:

Know your rights:

 UW Resources:

  • The Samuel Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center:



UW Counseling Center: 

Let's Talk | Counseling

UW Counseling Center

  • Safe Campus:


  • Bias Incident Reporting Tool:

Bias Incident Reporting Tool 

National Mental Health Resources:

Call the NAMI Helpline at 800-950-NAMI

Or in a crisis, text “NAMI” to 741741

 Readings and Podcasts:


  • Alice Walker’s “Be Nobody’s Darling”

  • Letter for Black Lives

For community - So much more can and must be said in this time. Hoping this captures some of your anguish, anger, fear, perseverance and hope. 

“A life of skin”

The skin I wear, I love, but not everyone loves me.
The skin I wear, can breathe for me, but yours always will.         
The skin I wear, can touch me, when no one else will.
The skin I wear is necessary, I’m told I’m a good worker bee.
The skin I wear, tears in life, yours never will.
The skin I wear is not safe?  

The skin I wear is scorned, when I run, when I breathe.
I’m always a runner. Running now, it’s freeing.
It’s freeing, on lockdown.
It’s freeing, when seeking life, a new home, sometimes without permission or just when
trying to breathe.

The skin I wear has made me a survivor.
Because you don’t want my skin, you who don’t see my skin, you who take off my skin …
Because you can’t wear my skin, don’t tell me to go home,
         that my skin against yours hurts, it darkens, it and YOU.
Because you can’t wear my skin, don’t tell me it’s your country, we gave it life.

I am my skin and because I AM, I breathe in constant struggle.
The exhaustion scars my eyes, hands, feet, my thoughts and now my lungs.  

 My life is not a symbol, but my living is progress.
My skin breathes hope, beauty and life.
We breathe, you live.

 But it’s time we take back our breath.
And breathe living in the world we work hard and LOVE to create.
My skin cracks, peels, burns, feels lighter.
My skin thirsts for community.
OUR SKINS weave many.
The skin I wear is born anew.

 Carolyn Pinedo-Turnovsky, May 30, 2020
